! Have you been having withdrawls, not having kaputt-geliebt's colorful wallpapers lately? There's tons of cute ones here

(under the tag "Обои полы грунт" in the side panel).
I don't know if this site is actually famous, but i just discovered it by accident last week and downloaded all the walls from it.
Since a lot of the sets are at a site where you can only download one set per hour or sometimes per day and it took me 5 days to get everything, the sets that are
not on mediafire, i am re-uploading there and will link at the end of this post. The ones that already have mediafire links you can get from the site.
If the person that made them has a problem with this... oh, well, don't use crappy upload sites


There are
17 sets. For # 7 the link is dead and i didn't bother with #9. Sets
1-11 are at Turbobit, so here's a mediafire folder with them. For pictures, look at the site.
Mediafire folderFrom
this page, two sets are not available, one is at mediafrie already and this one-

is called 5.rar and is in the mediafire folder linked above.