These are my first uploads here, so if I mess anything up feel free to hit me with a rock.
BTW,sorry for lots of pictures.
I'm So Happy After All These Years They're Still Being Downloaded! I May Remake Them In The Future. Thanks Everyone! Hunny/Honey SempaiHe's set and packaged as a child. He is mainly nice and playfull,lazy,a little messy,and kinda outgoing.
The Twins Hikaru and KaoruThey are set to either Fortune,or Popularity Asperations. They are Mainly nice,little serious,they are outgoing,kinda acitive,and a little messy.The only difference between them is the face structure, so I only give you one brother. xD Sorry about them not having any fingers. :-\
Haruhi and TamakiThey are set to either Fortune,or Family. Haruhi is serious,nice,a little active,neat and kinda shy.Tamaki is playfull,nice,lazy,outoging,and messy.
Mori and KyoyaKyoya is set to Fortune, and Mori is set to popularity. Kyoya is serious,kinda nice,kinda active,outgoing,and neat. Mori is nice,kinda serious,active,kidna shy,and kinda neat.
Hunny/Honey Hikaru/Kaoru Haruhi Tamaki Mori Kyoya