I've just spent the last lots-of-hours updating a ton of items in my Downloads folder to work with all of the EP's, and I thought, "well hell if I can save anyone else that much work, I should," so I'm uploading them here to help save that work for anyone else :-)
• Some of these objects are slave objects to other pieces in the set they belong to, so they require those for textures they may draw from. If you see flashing blue, that's why. Make sure to at least have the master object from sets like this (Simaddict and Cashcraft use repository items like this)
• Also, I kept the names as exactly they were before I fixed them, so they'll overwrite the same file names you have in your Downloads folder. Let them

As well, some creators updated some pieces for EP's later than what they were first made for. In those instances, I chose the piece that was for the latest EP. Delete earlier versions.
• Some objects don't actually update with AL, but they include updates for FT, etc. I kept all the names AL_xx for continuity.
• I am only including meshes, not recolours of these objects. I updated the items I personally use in my game, but if you want me to update items you have, I'm happy to, just leave a request in this thread with links to where I can get the item (like at the booty or the free site), and I'll do it for you.
Bookcases:• 4ESF Antique 2, 4ESF Antique 3, 4ESF Cottage
• Shakeshaft Mt. Lodge (TSR)
• ATS2 Sobre, Ashley bedroom
• Buggybooz Drift
• Cashcraft Charm, Once Upon A Time, Victorian Inspired Study, FutureWorlds (Decorating your space set) (TSR)
• Chez Moi (Phoenix Phaerie) bookcase
• Holy Simoly Arizona, Sendai
• Sims2Play Femira, Fidelity, Oriental, Hansen
• SIMCredible Balbi, Balser (x2), Beachy Study, Sierra
• Steffor Fresh, Rattan
• WDS Easy Living Entertainment bookcase
• Windkeeper Atomic Add-on (x2), Aquatic add-on (x2), Fantasy add-on (x2)
DownloadBaby Changing Tables:• 4ESF Antique 5
• Cashcraft Vintage Vickie Changing Table
• Cemre Changing table (Nautical Themed Nursery)
• Simaddict99 Mission, Storybook
• Sims2Play Hansen
DownloadComputers:• 4ESF Office 2
• Alienware (Official site Alienware desktop)
• Birgit43 Apple iBook (TSR)
• Cassandre Sony Vaio laptop (TSR)
• Ogularama Alienware Area51, Alienware laptop, Dell Dimension, Ferrari Acer laptop, Macbook Pro, iMac G5
• Pacotacoplayer Apple iMacs 20 & 24-inch (MTS2)
• Parisienne Apple iMac G4 (TSR)
DownloadDishwashers:• Buggybooz Basic Kitchen Dishwashers 1 & 2
• Cashcraft Victorian Kitchen dishwasher
• Holy Simoly Tranquility
DownloadEasels:• 11Dots Living 4, Office 3 Easels 1 & 2
• 4ESF Antique 7 easel
• Simaddict99 Mission easel (TSR)
• SimCredible Atelie Easels (2 versions)
DownloadRefrigerators:• 4ESF Antique 4 icebox, Kitchen 9
• Cashcraft Victorian Kitchen Icebox, picnic basket fridge
• Fresh-Prince LG Fridge
• Murano Mono kitchen fridge
• Simaddict99 Guy's Garage mini-fridge (has all options), Seasons Match fridge
• Newport Kitchen (TSR Sasilia)
• Shannanigans Retro Fridge (TSR)
DownloadShowers:• Blakeboy's Round Shower
• Cashcraft Vintage Charm shower
• HugeLunatic's backless slaved cheap and expensive showers
• Holy Simoly's Ocean Grove shower
• Murano's Lumeo Shower (TSR)
• SIMCredible Icy shower
• Simtomaniac Sanita shower (TSR)
• Newport bath showers (2 versions) (TSR)
DownloadStereos:• 4ESF Living 4 boombox
• Shakeshaft's Mt. Lodge stereo, Retro Stereo (TSR)
• Simaddict99 Seasons Match stereo (TSR)
• Shannanigan Vintage transistor radio (TSR)
• WDS Easy Living Entertainment Stereo
DownloadTrash Compactors:• 4ESF Antique 4
• Buggybooz Basic Kitchen
• Holy Simoly Tranquility
• Simaddict99 Seasons Match
DownloadTelevisions:• 4ESF Cottage, Living10, Living6, Living7, Living9
• Shakeshaft Mt. Lodge
• Cashcraft Vintage Vickie Armoire
• Ogularama Glamour TV match, LG 32" HDTV, Samsung TV
• Simaddict99 Atomic Age match, Seasons match, Tiki match
• Sims2Play standalone TV
• SIMCredible Balbi, 60's Living
• WDS Easy Living Entertainment, Shabby Comfort TV
Download• Sims in Paris Bathroom 3 shower
• Cemre CD Player with CD's (TSR)
• Cashcraft OUAT Baby Changing Table (TSR)
• Cashcraft Victorian Scullery trashbin (compactor, TSR)
• Cashcraft Vanity Fair Music Box (TSR)
• 4ESF Other 1 Easel
• 4ESF Other 6 (Nursery) Baby Changing Table
• 4ESF Bedroom 8 Record Player
• 4ESF Antique 3 Music Box
• Yamaha Amplifier (
from MTS2)
Download here• SA99 - Tiki potty, Storybook potty, Indian-inspired potty
• Holy Simoly - Snuggles potty, Cozy Bub potty
• Cashcraft - Once Upon A Time Potty, Vickie Nursery potty
• 4ESF Other 6 potty, Antique 5 potty
Download here__________________________________________
Cyclonesue's Bang on a can showerBeosboxboy Blakeboy tribute bookcaseSimtomaniac Beach House itemsStylist Sims BookcasesPimp My Sims Chicago showerTargas Fringe TVMango Sims Evori radioCassandre Modern Egg TV