It was reported that it wasn't possible to get to the further pages in this section and after some testing it turned out to be the number/letter bar at the bottom of the forum so I had to disable it and I'm now working on creating sections for all the topics here and then after that's done under the Sims 2 & 3 sections too. I've reached and moved Parsimonious as I'm writing this and my whole arm is falling off already from all the clicking around so I'll have to continue again tomorrow/later tonight when my hand doesn't hurt. Please bear with me while I work on this, I
hope I'll be done with all the sections within a week or so if nothing happens in real life to stop me but no promises I'll be so fast.
Ginnie if you see this feel free to private message me a list of sections you need created and under which game and I'll create them as they're needed.