Meduza`s place250 followers giftIt seems that there are people interested in my works! Thank you! I created this blog almost two years ago and I’ve got to say my creating skills got much better during this time.
I’ve learnt a lot of things!
Riddler’s double breasted coat for teens and elders@rented-space converted MDP’s coat for teens and elders, so I created Riddler recolors for them.
They are slaved to adult files. Meshes included.
Credits: @rented-space, @mdpthatsme
No TV falling for lucky SimsI edited @hexagonal-bipyramid‘s TVs Can Fall Off The Wall, so TV never falls for lucky Sims.
Chances for oridnary and unlucky Sims haven’t been changed. I’ve changed the filename.
Credits: @hexagonal-bipyramid
Adoption modsI also edited @midgethetree‘s adoption memory mod.
There are two versions of my edit: with z_midgethetree_adoptionmemorymod_children only children get DiLight’s “adopted!” memory,
with z_midgethetree_adoptionmemorymod_ toddlers toddlers and children get that memory.Moreover, I created confess adopting social interaction.
It lets parents tell their adoptive child about being adopted if that child doesn’t have “adopted!” or “found out I had been adopted” memories.
Outcome of kid finding out depends on relationship with that parent - if they are on friendly terms, kid loses 3 STR and 1 LTR towards
that parent and parent loses 2 STR and 1 LTR toward that child.
However, if they are not on friendly terms, kid loses 12 STR and 5 LTR, while parent loses 10 STR and 5 LTR.
After finding out, that kid will get negative “found out I had been adopted” memory.
New “found out I had been adopted” memory is included.
Be sure to clear your neighbourhood of gossip, using Batbox and of memories you want to
get rid of, using SimPE before you delete them from your downloads folder.
Credits: @midgethetree, DiLight