Ok, i need to sleep now. I'll try to come back tomorrow morning, but if Angry Birds or Law&Order keep me busy somehow
, the Finds will have to wait.
Special thanks to everyone that said something nice
And hey, if you have something to say that is
not nice, feel free to say that too. Don't feel obligated to wait until Friday. If i didn't reply to your PM, i apologize. I wanted to do as much as possible here without getting too distracted. I'll reply tomorrow, i promise.
For the record, i still love getting new links. Just say it nicely
And since i came off mean or something in the beginning, to show you that i still love you, here, have some
double cute this time -
Btw, i get those cuteness pictures from all over the place. I have a billion of them and can't keep track of where they came from. If you want credit, let me know and you will get it. If you want me to take them down... i won't. So don't bother. Don't put stuffs on the Interwebz if you don't want people to use it
Smileys exist so people can use them. So i do. Good night.