Title: Drac's Originals - Holidays - Christmas Post by: Ginnie on March 21, 2020, 11:13:16 am Christmas:
6 Pine St. House06 - 2007 (http://i.imgur.com/pvkTRYb.jpg) (https://imgur.com/pvkTRYb) 5200 North Pole West House 65 - 2005 (http://i.imgur.com/OLvpd4o.jpg) (https://imgur.com/OLvpd4o) ACC Play Toys & Pets Goodies - Xmas2006 (http://i.imgur.com/W8ABLez.jpg) (https://imgur.com/W8ABLez) Christmas House 2006 (http://i.imgur.com/YhTprCl.jpg) (https://imgur.com/YhTprCl) (The full file would not upload to SFS, so is the only one found here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2790ihmrrxkus6s/Christmas_House_2006.rar/file. Individual files are found at SFS. Update: The full file did upload to SFS, but I'm keeping the MF link up just in case.) Christmas Statues and Lamps 2006 (http://i.imgur.com/WkS9t1P.jpg) (https://imgur.com/WkS9t1P) Christmas Walls & Floors (http://i.imgur.com/RBTqAEt.jpg) (https://imgur.com/RBTqAEt) Joyful Diningroom - 2007 (http://i.imgur.com/N7GZeII.jpg) (https://imgur.com/N7GZeII) Nativity Sets - 2006 (http://i.imgur.com/m9fMrKC.jpg) (https://imgur.com/m9fMrKC) Prestige Dining Room - 2006 (http://i.imgur.com/re73q3Y.jpg) (https://imgur.com/re73q3Y) Religious Statues - 2006 (http://i.imgur.com/YvhUDMQ.jpg) (https://imgur.com/YvhUDMQ) Santas From Around the World - Christmas 2008 (http://i.imgur.com/ovlzM0T.jpg) (https://imgur.com/ovlzM0T) Simlarity Snowy World - Xmas 2007 (http://i.imgur.com/E81zjR9.jpg) (https://imgur.com/E81zjR9) Willie's Winter Wonderland - 2007 (http://i.imgur.com/zXQc6on.jpg) (https://imgur.com/zXQc6on) Xmas Build 2003 - 2004 (http://i.imgur.com/HdODu0T.jpg) (https://imgur.com/HdODu0T) Xmas Objects 2003 - 2004 (http://i.imgur.com/9Hy7V7I.jpg) (https://imgur.com/9Hy7V7I) Xmas Outdoor Objects - 2006 (http://i.imgur.com/9EtDyBO.jpg) (https://imgur.com/9EtDyBO) Xmas Sets 2003 - 2004 (http://i.imgur.com/s5hmT1r.jpg) (https://imgur.com/s5hmT1r) Yuletide Livingroom - 2005 (http://i.imgur.com/HgLMkY3.jpg) (https://imgur.com/HgLMkY3) All found here: http://simfileshare.net/folder/94704/ |