Title: Two more sets by Snarf from simsparaphernalia forum Post by: lolosims on May 10, 2019, 05:45:36 pm With Snarf's permission.
I logged in quickly to simsparaphernalia forum to check again what was left there from Snarf nand which he never posted at BackAlleySims. It's - MESH_RDM_34De-36AlphaDressMultibootTwo set and - MESH_RDM_36inSkirtBottomMultishoeTwo setr All the rest from simspara was already included by me in the early Snarf post here. So what is missing can be grabbed here http://www.mediafire.com/file/a3ddwfaio2opnbe/Snarf_simsparaphernalia.rar For HobbesD stuff at simspara, pics are now missing and they were often using Warlokk meshes or a bit modified ones (by Risi I think, I'm not quite sure). Perhaps he reposted at Insimadult forum but I never checked. |