Title: BlueDolphin Newsea J084f Voyage retexture Post by: raigiux on February 16, 2012, 01:25:19 pm Enjoy ;) (http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/7962/j084f01.jpg) (http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/3544/j084f02.jpg) Mesh is included DOWNLOAD (http://www.mediafire.com/download/8561uv9roi0rvu3/BlueDolphin_Newsea_J084f_Voyage_retexture.rar) removed adf.ly link, Mediafire link added Title: Re: BlueDolphin Newsea J084f Voyage retexture Post by: sorasunao on February 16, 2012, 02:16:54 pm Actually you don't have to click any ads to possibly get viruses,
Quote Yes you can get a virus by just going to a website. But not everyone who visits the bad website will get the virus. It all depends on which exploit the site is using and how up to date your Windows machine is. source (http://askabouttech.com/can-you-get-a-virus-from-visiting-a-website/). AND Adf.ly is known to contain virus/spyware ads among their ads, link 1 (http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=80196.0), link 2 (http://webupon.com/web-design/adf-ly-viruses/).There are several ways a computer can get a virus or spyware from a website. The first one is known as a “drive by download”. A virus or spyware infects the computer without any action from the user. This method usually uses exploits in web browsers and Internet Explorer is usually the target. I wouldn't risk my computer, that's all. :rolleyes: Title: Re: BlueDolphin Newsea J084f Voyage retexture Post by: Alexandra on February 16, 2012, 03:20:01 pm Awesome...I'd been about to go to GoS and request retextures!
Title: Re: BlueDolphin Newsea J084f Voyage retexture Post by: raigiux on February 16, 2012, 03:28:40 pm REMOVED ADF.LY LINK.
Sorasunao, I always use adf.ly, go to many them links and NEVER get any viruses. My antivirus program very sensitive and block pages if there some dangerous. Adf never had been blocked. Title: Re: BlueDolphin Newsea J084f Voyage retexture Post by: sorasunao on February 16, 2012, 03:42:46 pm Thank you for removing the adf.ly, yes I know many use it without problems but like those links I provided said there are indeed some advertisers in their advertiser circle that do have malicious ads and I personally like to think "better safe than sorry" so I thought I'd share that knowledge. I'm the opposite actually, the only time I've hit link that went through adf.ly my antivirus went crazy when the ad tried loading so I was "lucky" and got bad ad on my first try. Now my computer was safe because of my antivirus acting quickly but I know there are still people who truly are stupid enough to not use any kind of protection thinking that they won't get viruses cause they are smart users that don't click ads and such, which of course is false statement, even the smart users can get viruses, the truly smart ones though have antivirus programs to stop that. ;)
Title: Re: BlueDolphin Newsea J084f Voyage retexture Post by: LizCrea on March 18, 2012, 03:53:46 am Very great hair retexture. Thansk for sharing. I wanted to ask you for one hair retexture of Butterfly female 029 at your first blog. I love this hair very much but you never included the mesh. Would you consider reposting at your new blog and possibly with the mesh ?
Keep up the nice work my friend. Title: Re: BlueDolphin Newsea J084f Voyage retexture Post by: raigiux on March 19, 2012, 06:30:14 am ok, i will do them again.