Title: The Booty and Maty may be no more after Febuary Post by: dachshundsr4me on February 06, 2012, 10:52:13 pm I know this is not a sim but i needed this to be on the front page of the forum..... :( This is taken right from the Booty.... http://phorum.mustnotbenamed.com/index.php/topic,2939.0.html Quote Hi everyone! I wanted to drop a line over here to mention that it's the 6 monthly funding drive for PMBD/MATY. At the moment we are only at 20% of donations needed and we have until the end of Feb to come up with the cash. If we don't make it, the PMBD and MATY forums will be the first thing shut off. If you have ever thought about donating, now would be a great time. (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/uglybutt/supportbanner.png) http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/support.php So for anyone who gets pay hairs and such from the booty and store content from MATY then yeah it's time we kick in a little to help them....Also we need to get the word out so please repost this on any Sims forums you belong too. I think this is cheaper then having to donate to Peggy, NewSea, and Butterfly and paying the store for content....probably should add all that up and see how much you would spend there and see what the savings would be to just donate and not have to pay those folks who are doing it to serve themselves and not everyone else like the booty and MATY are...they are the selfless ones. Title: Re: The Booty and Maty may be no more after Febuary Post by: Catherine on February 07, 2012, 06:34:39 am Sunset also has that adert on her page. In my humble opinion, we all should donate, at least a couple of pounds, euros, dollars, whatever to keep everything up
Title: Re: The Booty and Maty may be no more after Febuary Post by: dachshundsr4me on February 07, 2012, 10:23:53 am I agree...anything will help even if its just two dollars...and that is all you can afford...to be without Maty and the booty would be a life not as fun to live in.